This post contains a video on hyperparameter tuning with XGBoost. Methods used here include Grid Search, Randomized Search, and Bayesian Optimization.

This article will cover the implementation of a custom Estimator in Pyspark, along with its use in a single example.

This article will cover the implementation of a custom Transformer in Pyspark, along with its use in a single example.

What is XGBoost?

This post contains a video on what is XGBoost: how it works and why it's so popular. This discussion is at an easy-to-follow, high level.

This article will cover how to implement a Pyspark pipeline, on a simple data modeling example. A discussion on their advantages is also included.

Learn how to install Pyspark on MacBook Pro M3, and make use of it within a jupyter notebook. We'll cover this in 6 easy to follow steps.

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